Picture News
BAAC Announced the Operating Result for the First Half Year of 2015
Mr. Luck Vajanavanich, President of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperative (BAAC), together with the BAAC???s top executives, announced the operating result for the first half year of 2015 (April 2015 ??? September 2015), that the BAAC had a new loan of 70,820 million baht, the total of loan balance is 1,160,584 million baht, or expanded from the last year at 6.50%, so the 2nd quarter of 2015, the BAAC will had total asset of 1,388,605 million baht, and the bank had total deposit of 1,195,707 million baht, in which the bank had a net profit of 5,627 million baht, at Hall, 2nd Floor, Tower Building, BAAC (Head Office), Bangkhen, October 21 2015.
