Picture News
Memorandum of Agreement between TCG and JFC

Mr. Yannasak Manomaipiboon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG), and Col. Dr. Prasert Chusaeng, Chairman of Managing Director of TCG, jointly signed a memorandum of agreement on the development of credit guarantee scheme with the Japan Finance Corporation (JFC), in which Mr. Kittipong Apibansri, the Ambassador of Tokyo, also joined the ceremony, as well as they had a meeting with the CRD Association about the set-up of Credit Risk Database (CRD), and they were welcomed by Mr. Satoshi Kuwahara, President COO, and his team, at Tokyo, Japan, between May 19-20 2015.


Ministry of Finance, Rama VI Rd. Phayathai, Phayathai, Bangkok, THAILAND 10400 Tel: +66 2 126-5800 Fax: +66 2 273-9408