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MOF Permanent Secretary Announced the Monthly Economic Report as of November 2014
Mr. Rungson Sriworasat, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance, Mr. Kritsada Jinavijarana, the director general of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO), and Misss Kulya Tantitemitr, the director of Macroeconomic Bureau, jointly announced the monthly economic report as of November 2014, that Thailand???s economic in the fourth quarter of 2014 will grow at 3.2% and expected that Thailand???s economy in 2015 will grow at 4% due to the measure to stimulus the government investment will make the economic system and export to grow at 3.5%, in which the risk factors for next year are the condition of world economy, oil price and natural disasters, the positive factors is the combination of AEC group that will increase the foreign investment in region, at Press Release Room, Ministry of Finance, December 29 2014.
