Picture News
Bilateral Discussion between Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister and CEO Citigroup
Mr. Kittiratt Na-Ranong, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, together with Mr. Areepong Bhoocha-oom, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance, and the MOF???s top executives, jointly had a bilateral discussion with Mr. Vikram Pandit, CEO Citigroup Mr.Zubaid Ahmad, Global Head of Public Sector Group, Citigroup and Mr.Darren Buckley, Citi Country Officer, Citi Bangkok, and exchanges opinion about World economy and Thailand economy, at New York, United State of America, September 26 2012.

Ministry of Finance, Rama VI Rd. Phayathai, Phayathai, Bangkok, THAILAND 10400 Tel: +66 2 126-5800 Fax: +66 2 273-9408
