Picture News
GHB Announced the Operating Result for the First Six Months of 2007
Mr. Khan Prachuabmoh, the President of Government Housing Bank (GHB), announced the operating result of first half year of 2007 (before the approval of financial statements by the Office of The Auditor General of Thailand) as of June 30 2007, that the bank had net profit of 761 million Baht, 18.05% increase compared to the first quarter of 2007 that the bank had a net profit of 349 million Baht, and had provided a new loan in total amount of 45,309 million baht compared to the yearly target of 95,500 million baht. Meanwhile, the bank is still confident that the bank???s three-year fixed interest rate of 5.50% for all loans can encourage people to buy houses and expected the loan to be on target in the second half of the year, at Press Release Room of Corporate Communications Department, Government Housing Bank (Head Office), July 18 2007.
