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EXIM Thailand Organized Export Documents Preparation Training

Mr. Somphan Eamrungroj, Senior Executive Vice President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Bank), presided over the opening ceremony of the Certificate Program on Export Documents Preparation arranged by EXIM Thailand from July 12 ??? August 9 2011 at EXIM Thailand???s Head Office. This lecture cum workshop program is aimed to enhance exporter??? knowledge, understanding and skills in export documents preparation and mitigation of non-payment risks by overseas buyers, in which Mrs. Janchai Pitakunnop, Manager of Customer Support Division, also joined the ceremony, at EXIM Thailand, Head Office, July 12 2011.


Ministry of Finance, Rama VI Rd. Phayathai, Phayathai, Bangkok, THAILAND 10400 Tel: +66 2 126-5800 Fax: +66 2 273-9408