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Seminar on ???Open the Door to the World with Traveling Loans from the Islamic Bank of Thailand??
Mr. Thirasak Suwanayos, act for the President of Islamic Bank of Thailand, Mr. Napadol Taemhan, the Committee of Islamic Bank of Thailand, Mr. Arun Boonchom, the Committee and Advisor Chairman on Religion, together with Advisor on Religion Team, jointly discussed on the measure to offer traveling loans to people who intend to travel to Mecca for the Hajj or sightseeing, in which the bank will provide the loans with special rate of SPR +4.0% (At present SPR = 8% or around 12% per year) and three-year installment, at the seminar on ???Open Door to the World with Traveling Loans from the Islamic Bank of Thailand??, at Islamic Center of Thailand, October 8 2007.
