JAOVISIDHA Minister of Finance February 8, 2003 - March 10,

Date of Birth: April 21, 1940
- 1952 Grade 10 Assumption College -
1956 School Leaving Certificate Diocesan Boy’s School, Hong Kong - 1959 GCE
A' Level Bristol College of Commerce, UK. - 1962 B.SC Economics London School
of Economics and Political Science
- December 15, 1972 Junior Announcer,
Fiscal Policy office - September 9, 1975 Junior Economic, Ministry of
finance - September 1, 1978 Director, Office center, Permanent Secretary
Office - November 20, 1980 Director, Revenue Department, The Revenue
Department - October 1, 1984 Revenue Zone 3, The Revenue Department -
September 1, 1986 Director, policy and plan Department, The Revenue Department
- October 1, 1988 Vice Director General, The Revenue Department -
October 1, 1993 Vice Permanent Secretary, Ministry of finance - October 1,
1995 Director General, The Revenue Department - December 28, 1996 Director
General, Treasury Department - August 29 1997 Director General, The Revenue
Department - February 17, 2001 Deputy Minister of Finance - October 3,
2002 Deputy Minister of Finance - February 8, 2003 Minister of finance -
March 10, 2004 Vice Prime Minister
- 1971 Companion (Forth Class) of the Most
Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand - 1974 Companion (Fourth Class) of the
Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant - 1976 Commander (Third Class) of
the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand - 1979 Knight Commander
(Second Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of - Thailand - 1985
Knight Commander (Second Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant
- 1988 Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown
of Thailand - 1990 Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted
Order of the White Elephant - 1993 Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of
the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand - 1996 Knight Grand Cordon
(Special Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the white Elephant