Ministry of Finance
March 7, 2006 - February 1, 2007

DATE/PLACE : April 10, 1950

1978 Ph.D. in Economics, Cambridge University, UK.
1974 M.A. in Economics, Cambridge University, UK.
1972 B.A. in Economics, Cambridge University, UK.
Macroeconomic Policy, Economic and Econometric Modelling,
International Economics, Poverty and Income Distribution,
Employment and Human Resources, Transportation Policy.
2006-2007 Minister of Finance
1996-2007 President, Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)
1987-1995 Director, Human Resources and Social Development Program, Thailand Development Research Institute
1985-1986 Research Fellow, Macroeconomic Policy Program, (TDRI)
1979-1985 Economist, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
1977-1979 Lecturer in Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Advisor to the Prime Minister
Member, The National Legislative Assembly
Personal Advisor to the Minister of Science and Technology
Member, Executive Board, The Economic Society of Thailand
Member, Executive Board, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)
Member, Law Development Committee, Office of the Council of State
Member, Executive Board, National Institute for Research and Development for the Blind Regional Coordinator, East Asian Development Network (EADN)
Member, Commission on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, UNAIDS
Member, Economic Monitoring and Macroeconomic Policy Committee,
Ministry of Finance (2005-2006)
Member, Board of the National Statistical Office (1999-2002)
Member, National Committee for the Promotion of SME (2000-2003)
Member, National Economic and Social Development Board (1997-2001)
Member, Monetary Policy Board, Bank of Thailand (2000-2001)
Member, Commission for the Management of Road Traffic (1998-2001)
Advisory Boards
Asia-Pacific Development Journal. Published by ESCAP, the United Nations, Bangkok.
ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Published by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
Asian Development Review. Published by the Asian Development Bank, Manila.
Associate Editor, Asian Economic Policy Review Published by Japan Center for Economic Research, Tokyo, Japan.
Memberships in Professional Societies
Lifetime member, The Economic Society of Thailand
Lifetime member, Thai Population Association
Scholarships and Awards
Exhibitioner, Peterhouse College, Cambridge University, 1969.
National Outstanding Researcher Award (Economics) in 2004 from the National Research Council of Thailand.
